Welcome to Granma's Attic. Here is where you get to rummage around and see what you can find. This area is meant to reflect variety and some old fashion remedies that are still just as valuable today as ever. Why put chemicals and derivatives into your body to alleviate common ailments when there are numerous natural and time-honored methods and ingredients that can do the job as well, and we dare say better, because they leave no toxic residues .
This page is dedicated to Helene Hugron for her inspiration.
SKIN REJUVENATOR : Two tablespoons of sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons avocado oil, two tablespoons almond oil, 2000 IU vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol), 100Thousand USP units vitamin A, a drop or two of your favorite perfume.(optional)
Pour the oils into a small jar or empty bottle. Take 10 gelcaps of vitamin E (200 IU ea) and 4 caps vitamin A (25,000 units ea). Puncture the capsules with a needle, and squeeze out the contents into your container. Perfume (optional). Close and shake well, keep in the refrigerator.***NOTE: if you opt for perfume, you must use the real thing, NOT cologne.
This formula is especially useful for those who have badly deteriorated complexion and prematurely aged or dry lifeless skin. The healing, nourishing and beautifying oils of this formula fortified with vitamins Acitrus, raisins and apples.
URINARY RETAINER :A "tea" made from the infused "hair of corn" (the hairy strands from cobbed corn) taken daily will aid in aquiring greater control over urinary incontinency. This also helps disolve small gallstones, soothes colic and rheumatism.
THYME TEA :One sprig for a large cup. You can take 3 to 4 cups a day between meals or on an empty stomach sweetened with a little honey. This concoction soothes stubborn intestinal infections, colds, the flu and engina as well. The raw leaves used exteriorly is an effective disinfectant. Rub some leaves on venomous spider or snake bites, and clean the area with the infused concoction. Toss a large number of sprigs in bath water to treat skin infections or irritations. Aromatic thyme baths are effective for alleviating rheumatism, arthritis and is a stimulant for convalescents or lethargic children. For added rheumatism relief spread a cataplasm (plaster) of chopped and heated thyme leaves directly on the painful area.
For recurring mouth and throat sores (cankers) make a "toothpaste" of disinfecting thyme by marinating the whole sprigs (100 gr) for a few days in 1/2 liter (just over 1/2 quart) of Eau de Vie (Alcool). Dip toothbrush in the solution and brush the whole mouth frequently.
NICE WHITE TEETH :After squeezing the juice of a lemon, use the left over rind to rub on your teeth and gums to whitten and strengthen them. This is also a good skin cleanser and softener; simply rub the rind over the facial areas desired, let stand for 5 minutes and rinse with tepid water. Eating an apple with the skin has the same effect of disinfecting the tooth and massages the gum.
BLUEBERRY WATER EYE WASH :To make this wonderful eye wash take a good handful of blueberry flowers and soak them in boiling water, infusing for several minutes. Strain out the pulp and wash the eyes with warm compresses of the lotion. Equally helpful here is an infusion made from linden-tree which, when applied on the eye, reduces wrinkles.
MILKY PINK COMPLEXION :Take a generous handful of lilly and rose petals (dried or fresh) and place them in a bowl's worth of boiling water and "cook" for 15 minutes. Filter and allow to cool before washing your face in the preparation.
DEMASKER AND BEAUTIFIER :In the absence of sophiticated creams we can use cow's milk as a demasker to remove make-up, and use fresh whole cream as a nourishing base and beautifier. Use externally only. A good rub with dairy products will do more good that poor quality creams and lotions.
BEAUTY MASKS : Once per week, we can spread on our face, a mask made of one beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of oilve oil. Let stand 15 minutes and rinse using a damp cottonball dipped in tepid milk. Dry skin will be fed and at the same time rehydrated if, whenever using masks of fruit or vagetables, we add a good teaspoon of fresh cream.
OILY SKIN : Hot water compresses are recommended to get rid of oily skin as these help open the pores and clean them of oils and residues. People with oily skin problems should not use fatty creams although a vigorous rub with fresh cow's milk to which has been added a few drops of cologne to remove make-up is recommended. The volume of cow's milk may be reduced to half and replaced by strawberry juice which will lighten and refresh the skin. All herbal lubricating lotions are beneficial: thyme, rosemarry, mint or savory. Just as egg yolk helps dry skin, egg whites tighten and smoothes oily skin, which makes them applicable on their own or mixed to fruit or vegetables for masks.
MASK VARIANTS :AMONGST THE FRUIT, THE MOST REFRESHING FOR THE SKIN ARE: STRAWBERRIES, PEACHES AND PINAPPLE CRUSHED AS IS OR MIXED WITH FRESH CREAm, egg white or yolk depending on your skin type (see previous listing). Amongst vegetables, recommended is the very hydrating cucumber either chopped or sliced. Grated carrot heals facial inflamations and sunburn. The grated cabbage mask also posseses powerful healing properties. Compresses of raw or barely cooked cabbage work wonders on wounds or skin ulcers by absorbing impurities and contributes to tissue health. Masks made of raw grated potato hydrate and reduce wrinkles. Masks made of crushed beets and cream revitalize and masks of hot cooked spinach and milk deep clean the skin.
FOR MIGRAINS :my mother would slice raw potatoes on a white piece of coton, sprinkle it with pepper and apply to the forehead for an hour or more . It works great .
FOR ARTHRITIS : boil some cabbage leaves, cool lightly, apply the warm leaves to hands or joints wrap with towel.
For sore feet or gout : soak feet in hot water and mint leaves.
HAIR STRENGTHENER : Divide hair as in the application of a dye and with a small brush apply olive oil directly to the scalp. To get good penetration wrap the head for one hour in hot towels, rinsing and reheating as the need arises.
FOR OILY HAIR : Beat two eggs along with a small glass of Rhum and allow this sun-colored shampoo to sit for a good 15 minutes. Rinse.
FOR SHINY HAIR :After shampooing rinse using a small amount of white vinegar in the rinse water.
FOR HIGHLIGHTS : To modify the hair's color one can use an infusion of chamomile for pale highlights that give a lovely sunny color or the use of a strong tea will result in a redish lioness-type of highlight.
FOR HAIR LOSS : This situation can be alleviated by often drinking a fresh cress juice on an empty stomach.
HAIR FRAGRANCE : A Lavender water is concocted by steeping over the period of one month 25 grams of lavender flowers in one litre (quart) of Eau de Vie (Brandy). Filter. This mix is as appreciated by men as by women, not only as a hair perfume but also as a body tonic and folk remedy for rheumatism. This lavender water has a long shelf life, making it ideal for home or travel use. This same process is successful using roses, jasmin, violets, lemon grass or any herb or flower whose perfume you appreciate.
ORIGINAL FRENCH COLOGNE : Take one litre (90% alcohol), mix in 4 grams each of the following: orange blossoms, rosemary, citron-tree, bergamot. Allow to stand for 24 hours, filter and it is ready to use.
VINEGAR FOOT SOAK : Place two garlic bulbs in a blender along with two handfuls of fresh or dried calendula petals, one handful of chopped fresh comfrey root, and the chopped hulls of several black walnuts. Pour vigegar over the herbs and blend well. Place mixture in a large, shallow pan, and add 20 drops of tea tree oil.
To treat Athelete's Foot, soak feet in solution for at least 15 minutes. Rinse feet and dry in sun or in the light of a sun lamp. Use the foot soak 3 to 4 times per day. Make a fresh batch for each use.
KITCHEN VINEGAR : Not only does this preparation tastegreat in salads, stir fries and marinades, but it contains anti-bacterial properties as well. Gather fresh oregano and place in a blender with 10 peeled cloves garlic. Pour vinegar over the herbs and blend. Bottle and allow to sit for several weeks. You may strain out the herbs or elect to leave them in the preparation. For additional flavour and a nice presentation, you may add a whole sprig of oregano, a cayenne pepper and several orange orlemon rinds. This vinegar keeps well for several months unrefrigerated.
MASSAGE OIL : 5 or 6 cayenne peppers, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1/4 ts clove essential oil, 1/4 ts eucalyptus essential oil, 1/4 ts mint essential oil.
Chop the cayenne peppers and place in a jar. Cover with vegetable oil making sure the peppers are completely covered. Store in a warm, dark place. Strain after one week. Add the essential oils
Massage on sore muscles, taking care not to get any in your eyes or open wounds and it will sting vehemently. Wash hands well afterward.
STOMACH REMEDY : Here's a remedy that can quiet stomach discomforts, from indigestion to a spastic colon. Take 1 tbs chamomile flowers, 1 tsp fennel seeds, 2 tbs mint leaves and steep 1 tbs of the mix in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink.
HEALING SALVE : 1 cup comfrey root oil, 1 cup calendula oil, 2oz beeswax, 2 tbs Vitamin E oil, 20 drops Vitamin A emulsion.
Grate the beeswax. Heat the oils together, and add the beeswax. When the beeswax is melted, add Vitamins Epromptly remove it if the person experiences any discomfort. The procedure is likely to promote perspiration and reddening of the chest. Give the individual plenty of liquids during the procedure and encourage her to take a warm or cool shower afterward, then rest or gently stretch for 1/2 hour. Do not administer this treatment to a young child, elderly person or the seriously ill without consulting a health care professional.
HEADACHE PILLS : Skullcap, Valerian, Rosemary, Chamomile, Peppermint, Honey.
Combine equal parts of powdered herbs. Blend with honey to bind. Roll off pill-sized pieces, dry and store in a tightly sealed container.
THROAT LOZENGES : 3 tbs licorice powder, 3 tbs slippery elm powder,1 tbs myrrh powder, 1ts cayenne powder, honey as needed, 20 drops orange essential oil, 2 drops thyme essential oil.
Mix herbalpowders. Stir in honey until a gooey mass forms. Add essential oils, and mix very well. Spread the paste on a marble slab or other non-stick surface coated with cornstarch. With a rolling pin roll the mixture flat to about the thickness of a pancake. Cut into even pieces, roll into a ball and then flatten to form a lozenge and let air-dry in a well ventilated area for 12 hours.
HERBAL SYRUP : 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup glycerine, 1 cup strong herb infusion.
Combine honey and infusion in a pan and bring to a boil. Add glycerine. Pour into clean bottles and let cool. Keep refrigerated. Yield is about 2 cups.
CABBAGE WRAP FOR ECZEMA / PSORISSIS :Take outer leaves of cabbage and swill well under running water. Gently pat dry with clean cotton cloth or better still air dry.
Spread leaves on a board or table so that the inner side of leaves face upwards (inner side of leaves must face up as they contain the most valuable nutrients with less chemicals).
Bruise the inner sides by rolling out with a rolling pin. This ensures that cells and nutrients are broken. Then wrap the leaves around the affected part of the body ensuring comfort. Secure with a bandage or cloth. Assistance to do this may be necessary. Leave on for at least an hour. Remove leaves.
Note: Be prepared for an awful smell. This smell confirms that the toxin drawing properties of the cabbage has done it's job! Don't be surprised to notice how much better the eczema is.
WOUNDS,BURNS, CRAMPS :Some other handy things I've discovered over the years browsing in my grandmother's many herbal remedy books:
Sage oil is very good rubbed into old wounds scars.
A peppermint tea is good at relieving cramps.
Chamomile used externally is good for burns, wounds and swellings and internally is good for menstrual pains.
Basil used in compresses and in baths has a healing effect.
CLEAN TEETH : For clean teeth: brush with a mashed up strawberry
FOR FEVER : Chop onions finely and wear to bed in socks. Fever will be drawn to the feet and the onions will cook.
ITCH RELIEF :I like using Jewelweed (Touch Me Not) for poison ivy, etc. I put the plant through my juicer and store the Jewelweed juice in the refrigerator and it lasts during the winter months for other anti-itch uses.
FOR MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES : try raspberry leaves and nettles steeped in boiling water for five minutes. Strain and drink, add a touch of honey if necessary. Tea is effective for regaining uterine tone post-partum, fibroids, and painful cycles. Also effective for PMS symptoms and encouraging milk supply in nursing mothers.
FOR SEVERE SINUSITUS : Another paste to try for severe sinusitus is 1tsp of cinnamon with a drop of water, mix to form paste and apply to sinus areas making sure to avoid eyes. This paste will redden skin and it does tingle but results are amazing for sinusitis.
FOR INFECTION : Bread and Milk poultices work very well for infection- Heat milk-add a bit of bread and wrap in gauze or cheese cloth and place on cut or wound, Also good for boils. Use as hot as you can stand it. Repeat a few times a day as long as necessary. It works pretty fast and often much better than antiseptic.
FOR FOREIGN OBJECT IN EYE : For foreign object in eye, such as sand, dirt, or piece of twig: Our family doctor some 50 years back told my sister to use a drop of vegetable or olive oil in the effective eye when you first get something in it and the particle will be drawn to the corner of the eye and you can remove it. The eye will be blurry for a few minutes but it will not be sore from rubbing if done right away. It's when the child or adult rubs it that it makes it worst.
FOR DIARRHEA : 1 to 5 teaspoons of corn starch in half a glass of milk with a touch of vanilla for flavour & 1 tsp of sugar you can take 3 to 5 times per day or take double or triple doses, will stop the runs & will not hurt children can be used without sugar or vanilla.This mixture will not bind you up is over 150 years old. From Grandma Miller 1855.
EFFECTIVE FACE MASK :Mix the pulp of an orange with one of two spoons of honey. Apply it on your face and leave it on for approximately 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. When done, your skin should feel soft and velvety.
For Tired Eyes :Dampen two envelopes of chamomile tea with warm water. Put one envelope on each eye and listen to relaxing music. Keep it on for about 20 minutes, and when you're done, your eyes will be noticeably better.
OR mix cotton with milk and put on eyes.leave it on for as long as you want. this helps dark circles
FOR SOFT SHINY HAIR :Blend an egg yolk in a bowl and then massage the scalp and hair with the yolk of an egg. Leave it on for a minute and then rinse without using shampoo. If you also want to lighten your hair, put lemon on it.
FOR COLD AND FLU :A first indication that you've contacted a virus, like sniffles, sorethroat, etc., chop very fine one clove of fresh garlic, place on a teaspoon, slide it off with your upper lip, and chase down with a half cup of water. The symptoms will be gone in a few hours.
FOR BLISTER RASHES :to dry up the rash of blisters using apple cider vinegar works instantly
SOFT SKIN FIX :While in the shower,soap up your body with your favorite soap and before rinsing off use yellow cornmeal as a scrub on your skin ( do not apply cornmeal with a towel/flanel, apply with moistened hands) and when it is rinsed your sking will feel great. It removes all dead skin leaving a vibrant and softer skin. Can be used on your face also.
SORE NIPPLES FROM NURSING : When I was a first time nursing mother I had read somewhere that grated carrots applied directly to cracked nipples would heal and soothe the pain. I didn't believe it until I tried it!
MORE ARTHRITIS HELP : I have found that avoiding red meat, oranges and lemons make a world of difference, and when adding grapefruit to your diet, it will help even more!
TO REDUCE FEVER : Cut a medium sized grapefruit in half and place in a saucepan. Cover with water and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, and allow to cool to room temperature. Wring out the grapefruit half into the water, and discard rind. You may add 1 tsp Feverfew herb, or 1tsp Echinacea herb to the water while cooling, to make an infusion. Strain before drinking. The tea will be bitter, so add a little honey to sweeten. Grapefruit rind is a natural source of Quinine. Quinine is used to treat the fevers of Malaria and other infections. Use fresh grated grapefruit rind with plasters and poultices to aid in healing of wounds and rashes also.
ECZEMA : One of my clients called about an Eczema problem she can't believe how fast it is going away, after 15 years of suffering with it. I treated her for candida (yeast) infection. The infection comes from inside the body and is in her bloodstream. I am treating that with anti-yeast herbs and a diet that will acidify the Ph in her gut.
Her saliva and urine were in the acid range when checked with Ph paper, so she had been told she was too acid. Quite the contrary bad yeast grows best in an alkaline Ph, as do parasites. When she followed my instruction to check the Ph of her feces, thereby the gut, it went into the dark blue! (Alkaline).
I want to tell you that it is important to drink cabbage juice about 1 ounce per day, mixed with other green juices, if preferred. Also, Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) is one of the best external treatments I have ever seen for healing eczema and psoriasis (Yeast). You can dissolve about 3 handsfull of Epsom Salts into a bathtub of warm water and soak for 20-30 minutes in it once a day use the time to relax and meditate, perhaps light a candle and put soft music on. This will also help to grow out healthy nails and will eliminate another side-effect of yeast; thick callouses on the feet!
BURNS : Beat an egg white and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to burned area until dry and re-apply a few times. It works wonders, takes the burn away and leaves no mark of it.
Many of these remedies are sent to Life Research Universal by individuals who have tried and tested them. The list is constantly growing so to view more click .
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