BOOK REVIEW: THE SELECTIONFirst of all what a gorgeous cover!!
I want to say this book is so amazing, romantic, exciting, funny...
When I started to read this book, I know I like so much but I like so so so so much. I LOVE Selection.
Why am I love this book so much?
1. Summary: For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself--and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.
2. Characters:
America Singer: I annoyed her a little but whatever happens, America is suitable to be a main character. She doesn't want to draw attention. She is as courageous person as acts rude to Prince. What a shame! :)
Aspen: I like him in previous chapter. Then he acts so complicated. One time he is so romantic, one time he is rude. I annoyed him.. But he is also so cute towards the end of the book. Anyway, I love him :)
Prince Maxon: the most cutest, funniest person in this book. He is also shy! I expect Prince is bad boy, rude and selfish person. But he isn't. And I am so happy for he isn't like that. He always stand beside America. That is also so cute too.
3. The Love Triangle: America stucks between Aspen and Prince Maxon. Who is America's choose?
If you love reading dystopian and romantic books, you have to read The Selection too. The Selection reminded Hunger Games but I think The Selection is more more more better than Hunger Games. :)
Ba langolarak.... Ne kakar m kemmel bir kapakyle de il mi?
Kitap hakk nda dncelerime ge medennce bu kitab n m kemmel, romantik, e lenceli ve komik oldu unu s ylemek istiyorum. :)))
Bu kitabokumaya ba lamadannce Beni Se 'i sevece imi biliyordum ama sevmekle kalmad m. Kitaba BAYILDIM!!!
Peki neden kitabbu kadar sevdi ime gelirsek....
1) zet: Bir prens nas l tavlan r?
Illealkesinde t m genk zlar do duklarg nden beri s n f atlaman n pe inde. Paha bi ilmez m cevherlere, g z al celbiselere ancak buekilde sahip olabilecekler. Bunun i in tek biranslarvar: SEM. K yas ya bir m cadeleyle ge en Se im'i kazanman n tek yolu Prens Maxon'u kendine ak etmek.
America i inse Se im, bir kabustan farks z. Bu yara girmeyi kabul ederse, kendisinden a as n fta oldu u i in herkesten gizledi i a kAspen'i arkas nda b rakmak zorunda kalacak.te yandan bu, ailesinin tek kurtuluans .
America saraya ad m atar atmaz, kendini esrarengiz bir d nyan n i inde bulacak. Saray hide dar dan g r ndgibi olmayacak.
35 k z n kat ldbir yarnas l kazan l r?
America Singer: Ona biraz sinir oldu umu s ylemeliyim ama ne olursa olsun America Singer bir kitab n bakarakteri olmak i in gereken b t nzelliklere sahip.ncelikle ilgiekmeyealm yor.
Ve bir prense kaba davranacak kadar cesaretli. (Ne ay p ama! :D)
Aspen: Ba larda onu sevdi imi s ylemeliyim. Sonras nda ise Aspenok karmak davranmaya ba lad . Bi ara romantik oluyor, bir s re ge tikten sonra kaba oluyor. Aspen'e sinir oldum. Ama kitab n sonuna do ru ba taki tatlhaline d ndgibi. Her neyse, Aspen'i sevdim. :)
Prens Maxon: Bu kitaptaki en tatlen komik karakter. Hem de utanga !! Prensin kaba, bencil ve k tolacansanmt m ama yan lmm. Ve bunaok sevindim. Her zaman America'n n yan nda oluyor. Bu da Maxon'un sevdi imzelliklerinden biri.
3) A kgeni: America Aspen ve prens Maxon aras nda gidip geliyor. Peki se imi kimden yana olacak?
E er distopik ve romantik kitaplarokumayseviyorsan z, mutlaka bu kitabda listenize eklemelisiniz. Beni SeA l k Oyunlar 'nand rabilir ama bence A l k Oyunlar 'ndan kat kat daha g zell. :))
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