Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Week That Was #28 (Project 365)

By The River (187/365)Cooling Down (188/365)Throwing Water Over Jenson (189/365)Hairband (190/365)Big Splash! (191/365)Practising His Swimming (192/365)Underwater Swimming (193/365)

(Apologies if you have already seen these photos in my other posts)

SUNDAY - we were up early helping to set up the local Race For Life as OH's Dad is the marshall and is in charge of setting it up, marshalling the race and tidying up afterwards. Here is Burton on our walk back to the car once we had finshed helping. After lunch Daddy went and bought a large paddling pool seeing as though the hort weather is meant to alst all week.

MONDAY - Ladybirds for Burton and Jenson and I went to our toddler group. After lunch Jenson and I went for a dip in the pool and when he got home from Ladybirds so did Burton.

TUESDAY - spent playing with toys in the cool of the playroom and also lots of pool time! Burton kept splashing Jenson which did not go down well because it was cold on Jenson's face!

WEDNESDAY - We popped to the shops this morning and Jenson wore this head band of mine - he wore it most of the day actually! When we got home there was more paddling pool action and I found it funny that Jenson was getting his own back today and kept throwing water over Burton! Granma came for lunch and to see the new pool.

THURSDAY - Ladybirds again for Burton, and Jenson and I had some visitors (Lisa and Joe). We were all going to go in the pool but the water was looking a bit dirty today so instead OH emptied it and cleaned the pool out. After tea, the boys went to Granma and Grampy's for a sleepover. Before bed they were allowed to try out a new water slide which they loved and this is Burton splashing his way off the end of the slide!

FRIDAY - I went over to see the boys this morning and when I arrived they were splashing in Granma's paddling pool! We came home after lunch and then they wanted to go in our pool! Jenson had a go at swimming while he had the pool to himself.

SATURDAY - Burton ahd his swimming lesson this morning and while he did that Daddy took Jenson for a swim. When we got home I started on preperatiomns for Burton's birthday parrty tomorrow and did lots of baking. I still have lots of finishing touches to do tomorrow though but at least I have made a start. More paddling pool action this time with Burton swimming uderwater and Daddy managed to take this shot (yes i know not taken by me, but I was busy baking!)

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